In the last 2 days, Connor has started sitting up by himself for about a minute at a time (couldn't do it for more than 30 seconds at a time before), sometimes longer. He can actually grab things and play with them without falling over. I am so excited! I love when he learns new things.

He's not sitting up in these but I thought they were both too cute not to share.

He looks SO tiny in this pitcure. I love it!

He is also back to my normal, happy baby after a terrible two weeks of teething. Two little teeth popped up in 10 days. My poor little guy. He does look cute with teeth though ;)

And finally, he is starting to get in a crawling position. He doesnt do it for very long, but he is starting to get up on all fours. I have a feeling he is going to be crawling in the next month or so. Time to start baby-proofing!

Oh, and here is the first picture I have EVER gotten of him with Ozzie. I have tons of pictures with him and Cooper, but Ozzie never goes near him. I thought it was cute how they were all lined 3 boys :)

He's not sitting up in these but I thought they were both too cute not to share.
He looks SO tiny in this pitcure. I love it!
He is also back to my normal, happy baby after a terrible two weeks of teething. Two little teeth popped up in 10 days. My poor little guy. He does look cute with teeth though ;)
And finally, he is starting to get in a crawling position. He doesnt do it for very long, but he is starting to get up on all fours. I have a feeling he is going to be crawling in the next month or so. Time to start baby-proofing!
Oh, and here is the first picture I have EVER gotten of him with Ozzie. I have tons of pictures with him and Cooper, but Ozzie never goes near him. I thought it was cute how they were all lined 3 boys :)
What an adorable little guy :)