Tuesday, December 29, 2009
First Christmas Video
Here is a video of Connor opening his Busy Ball Popper (and Your Baby Can Read). He seemed so excited about it, it was hilarious! Please ignore my man voice, coughing, and obnoxious laugh...I was (still am) sick with a stupid cold.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Connor's First Christmas
Connor's first christmas was pretty amazing! I thought for sure he would be more interested in the paper than anything he actually got...totally not the case. He had no interest in the paper but he LOVED watching us open them. He would move his hands super fast and pant until we handed whatever was in it to him. It was too funny.
I didn't get a whole lot of present opening pictures because I had the video camera the whole time, but I got a few. I attempted to get a family picture before we opened anything but apparently my camera has a TWO second self timer. Hitting the button and then getting into place was a challenge.

You have to give me props for posting this picture on a public website right?! LOL, Mommy doesn't look so good first thing in the morning. ;)

This was Grandma and Papa's house on Christmas morning.

Not a fan of his new rocking horse.

His toys so far. We still have 1 more christmas party left. He also got a ton of new clothes but I didn't think it was necessary to take pictures of that. Anyway, I think he did pretty well. :)
We had an all around great christmas this year. He was in a really good mood for all 3 parties we went to and was incredibly social. Usually if he can't see me, he freaks out. He let everyone hold him, smiled, growled (his favorite thing to do), and "talked" all night. Can't wait until next year!
I didn't get a whole lot of present opening pictures because I had the video camera the whole time, but I got a few. I attempted to get a family picture before we opened anything but apparently my camera has a TWO second self timer. Hitting the button and then getting into place was a challenge.
You have to give me props for posting this picture on a public website right?! LOL, Mommy doesn't look so good first thing in the morning. ;)
This was Grandma and Papa's house on Christmas morning.
Not a fan of his new rocking horse.
His toys so far. We still have 1 more christmas party left. He also got a ton of new clothes but I didn't think it was necessary to take pictures of that. Anyway, I think he did pretty well. :)
We had an all around great christmas this year. He was in a really good mood for all 3 parties we went to and was incredibly social. Usually if he can't see me, he freaks out. He let everyone hold him, smiled, growled (his favorite thing to do), and "talked" all night. Can't wait until next year!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Feeling Better
The little man is finally feeling better. His little nose still runs more than any nose I have ever seen but all in all, he is MUCH better. I'm crossing my fingers he never gets sick again. That was horrible :(
Again, I wish he was wearing a cute christmas outfit. I didn't even intend to make it a christmas-y picture just kind of happened that way. ;)
This is without a doubt his favorite toy. He reaches it for it the second I set him on the floor. He hits the keys and then flips it over. If he can't flip it back, he whines until I flip it back for him. He's too funny.
He loves these little linky toys too. We take them wherever we go.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
"Gingerbread House" & Sicky Baby
TONS of new pictures!
The other day we decorated a Rice Krispy Treat house instead of a Gingerbread House. Connor was pretty disinterested in the whole thing. We'll try a real gingerbread house next year when he's a little older.

"What's with the wannabe Gingerbread House, Dad?"

Connor also had his first cold this week. Well, i gues cold would be an understatement. We took him to the doctor and he has bronchitis, an ear infection, AND the stomach flu. My poor baby has been miserable for the last few days. We have him on some antibiotics now and he's getting better. I wish babies NEVER got sick, it's so heartbreaking to see :(
He perked up today though and was closer to his normal self. I think the Winkel might FINALLY be growing on him! All day today he would pick it up and throw it. He also got up on all fours today and started to rock for the first time. He wants to move but just can't quite figure it out yet.

I love these two pictures in black and white. Then again, I'm a sucker for pretty much all black and white pictures.

The other day we decorated a Rice Krispy Treat house instead of a Gingerbread House. Connor was pretty disinterested in the whole thing. We'll try a real gingerbread house next year when he's a little older.
"What's with the wannabe Gingerbread House, Dad?"
Connor also had his first cold this week. Well, i gues cold would be an understatement. We took him to the doctor and he has bronchitis, an ear infection, AND the stomach flu. My poor baby has been miserable for the last few days. We have him on some antibiotics now and he's getting better. I wish babies NEVER got sick, it's so heartbreaking to see :(
He perked up today though and was closer to his normal self. I think the Winkel might FINALLY be growing on him! All day today he would pick it up and throw it. He also got up on all fours today and started to rock for the first time. He wants to move but just can't quite figure it out yet.
I love these two pictures in black and white. Then again, I'm a sucker for pretty much all black and white pictures.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Meat, yuck!
Connor had his first meat last night, chicken. He was not a fan at all. He growled and gagged through the whole thing. His doctor said if he didn't like the meats by themselves then he could do the chicken noodle dinner, turkey and gravy type stuff. If he doesn't get used to it, I think I'll give him those instead. They all smell like dog food though and totally gross me out. It bums me out to give it to him.
"Please, Mom. No more!"
He is also getting so much better at playing with his toys. He used to just try to stick everything in his mouth and that was "playing." Now he understands how to use things. He hits the keys on his piano, he'll flip pages in a book (cardboard books), he'll grab toys that rattle and shake them up and down so they make noise. It's fun to watch. He finally discovered himself in the mirror of his little piano today and it was hilarious. He talked to/screamed at himself and kept swatting at it. So cute!
He got bored just laying in the tub and I havent gotten him one of those duck tubs yet so we've just been letting him sit up like a big boy. He loves it! I bought a pack of 8 little squirt gun animals and although he likes them, I think Pat and I have more fun with them. Connor just tries to eat them all.
Messy baby with crazy hair!
Now he can feed himself an entire bottle without needing any help. I will put him on the floor wedged in his boppy and hand him a bottle and he'll drink it, and then toss it to the side when he's done. He still has a little trouble when he's sitting upright because the bottles are heavy but he's getting there.
Monday, December 7, 2009
We gave Connor his first puff yesterday. His doctor said we could at 6 months which is tomorrow, so we went ahead and gave him a few. He seemed really confused at first but seemed to like them. Unfortunately, he was crabby and quickly lost interest. We'll try again when he's in a better mood. I did get a few cute pictures though :)

I took these this morning. I wish I would have put him in a christmas outfit for the one in front of the tree but I think it still turned out adorable.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Sippy Cup!
Today Connor used a sippy cup for the first time. He stuck it in his mouth immediately, as he does with everything, but eventually was able to drink from it. I just put a little water in it for now, I wanted to see how he would like it. I think I'll keep giving him little bits of water until he gets used to it, then we'll try juice in a few months.

"What am I supposed to do with this, mom?"

"Say what? Where's my bottle?"

He figured it out pretty quickly.
I was testing out my rotating flash today and I got a few cute pictures. I love the look on his face in this one. Hilarious!

Again, I was playing with the flash so these all look a little different. So far I am LOVING this new camera though!
"What am I supposed to do with this, mom?"
"Say what? Where's my bottle?"
He figured it out pretty quickly.
I was testing out my rotating flash today and I got a few cute pictures. I love the look on his face in this one. Hilarious!
Again, I was playing with the flash so these all look a little different. So far I am LOVING this new camera though!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
New Camera
I finally got the new, fancy camera I have been wanting but have no idea how to use it. There are so many different modes to shoot in, flash, no flash, ISO, AF...I dont know what any of it means! I am reading the manual though and I ordered a book from amazon so hopefully I get this crazy thing figured out soon. So far the only way I can take a decent picture, is if I use the Automatic setting. Here are the first few I took. Much better than my other camera but hopefully I will learn how to take even better ones.

i love this picture for some reason :)

Like I said, still learning with this camera but I think I got a few cute ones today :)
i love this picture for some reason :)
Like I said, still learning with this camera but I think I got a few cute ones today :)
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