Today Connor used a sippy cup for the first time. He stuck it in his mouth immediately, as he does with everything, but eventually was able to drink from it. I just put a little water in it for now, I wanted to see how he would like it. I think I'll keep giving him little bits of water until he gets used to it, then we'll try juice in a few months.

"What am I supposed to do with this, mom?"

"Say what? Where's my bottle?"

He figured it out pretty quickly.
I was testing out my rotating flash today and I got a few cute pictures. I love the look on his face in this one. Hilarious!

Again, I was playing with the flash so these all look a little different. So far I am LOVING this new camera though!
"What am I supposed to do with this, mom?"
"Say what? Where's my bottle?"
He figured it out pretty quickly.
I was testing out my rotating flash today and I got a few cute pictures. I love the look on his face in this one. Hilarious!
Again, I was playing with the flash so these all look a little different. So far I am LOVING this new camera though!
Love all the pics, you have quite the little cutie there!