Connor getting older is bittersweet. Although I love watching him get bigger and learn new things, it makes me a little sad at the same time. Everyone always tells you to cherish them as newborns, but I think when its your first, you are kind of always looking forward to that next step they'll take. I think the next time around, I will absolutely savor those first few months. Even though Connor is still young, I feel like he's all grown up. Lol, I know that's silly and there are still TONS of new things he'll do, I just feel a little sad that he's leaning for towards a toddler than he is a baby anymore.
Anyway, enough sappy stuff. Let's see..Connor is crawling and pulling up to furniture (and everything else) like nobody's business. He walks along furniture to get where he wants to go and in the last week or so, has learned how to get back into crawling position from standing (instead of just belly flopping like he was). He is eating all kinds of foods and loves it. He nibbles most things that I eat and has yet to refuse anything. He still loves his purees but I feel like he is seeming less interested in bottles. He would much rather be "eating" something. He is still sleeping through the night, although for the last week, he seems to think its fun to wake up at 5 and whine until 6-630. For the past few weeks, he has been IN LOVE with his Daddy. He has always loved him, but lately when Pat walks out of a room, he screams. And if he walks into a room when Connor hasn't seen him in a few hours, his face lights up and lets out this excited gasp. It is SO sweet. He sees mommy too much, lol, he never does that for me. He absolutely loves Diego and anytime he hears the opening to Reba, his face lights up, he whips his head around to look at the TV and then looks at me until I sing it to him. The second the song it over, he goes back to whatever he was doing. These days he is pretty much eating everything, getting into everything, and is all over the place. It's fun and exhausting all at the same time. :)

Anyway, enough sappy stuff. Let's see..Connor is crawling and pulling up to furniture (and everything else) like nobody's business. He walks along furniture to get where he wants to go and in the last week or so, has learned how to get back into crawling position from standing (instead of just belly flopping like he was). He is eating all kinds of foods and loves it. He nibbles most things that I eat and has yet to refuse anything. He still loves his purees but I feel like he is seeming less interested in bottles. He would much rather be "eating" something. He is still sleeping through the night, although for the last week, he seems to think its fun to wake up at 5 and whine until 6-630. For the past few weeks, he has been IN LOVE with his Daddy. He has always loved him, but lately when Pat walks out of a room, he screams. And if he walks into a room when Connor hasn't seen him in a few hours, his face lights up and lets out this excited gasp. It is SO sweet. He sees mommy too much, lol, he never does that for me. He absolutely loves Diego and anytime he hears the opening to Reba, his face lights up, he whips his head around to look at the TV and then looks at me until I sing it to him. The second the song it over, he goes back to whatever he was doing. These days he is pretty much eating everything, getting into everything, and is all over the place. It's fun and exhausting all at the same time. :)
What a cutie! Happy 8 Months Connor :)