Ugh, I'm such an awful blogger these days! My first Mother's Day was nice :) Went to breakfast with my family and then we always go to my grandma's grave and plant flowers on Mother's Day every year so we did that as well...then came home and relaxed and made steak and shrimp for dinner, mmm! Connor got me a card, lillies (my favorite!), and a gift certificate for a manicure and pedicure and Pat got me a card that he wrote all sorts of nice things in. It was a good day. Connor was dressed in a super cute outfit for the day but of course I didn't get pictures with him early. I waited until after he devoured peas and carrots for dinner and covered his little sweater vest in pea/carrot residue so the only pictures I got were of him in his jammies and I'm looking like poo. Oh well :)

In other news..
CONNOR GOT HIS FIRST HAIRCUT!!!!! This was both exciting and devastating for me all at the same time. His hair was always a big mess on his head and was always tickling his ears (he used to try and pull it) so he definitely needed a trim. However, I knew as soon as he got it, he wouldn't look like my baby anymore, he'd look like a little boy. He TOTALLY does!! He looks so much more like a toddler now than he did before. Melts and breaks my heart at the same time, lol. On top of the haircut, he is walking (which I already blogged about) but he doesn't crawl AT ALL anymore...NEVER! I'll be in "my office" (aka our closet which is connected to our master bath) and he'll cruise on in and I hear the little pitter patter of his tiny feet on the tile, I turn around and there's my little man...walking in with his little "dude" haircut. ::tear:: He is mommy's big boy now. He has such a funny personality these days...and a total attitude when he wants to. I just can't believe he is already going to be one. It went by way too fast for me. Although on the bright side of my tiny peanut turning one, that means it's officially baby-making time!!! That's of next month, Pat and I will be trying for baby #2!! We have already been talking about names (we're insane). Can't wait for Connor to have a little brother or sister :)
Anyway, enough are some haircut pictures...
He did SO good. They put diego on and he watched it, munching on puffs, and clapping. The only thing he didn't like was the clippers for his sideburns and the back of his neck. He freaked out..but recovered quickly ;)
One last messy-hair baby picture

So short and "little dude"-like!

Clapping :)

He did NOT like those clippers.

All done and looking soo big.