Pat came home from a 4 day trip for work and got back on May 5th. We didn't feel like fighting with the crowds by going out so Pat just picked up food from a local Mexican restaurant and brought it home. Usually when I feed Connor rice, I just give him a bite at a time. This time I decided to just dump a bunch on his tray and let him have at it. He loved it! He had it in his hair, on his eyes, on the floor, tons in his seat, it was everywhere!!

Too much rice!!
Today Connor is officially 11 months old. I say this every month but it is just crazy how fast it goes! He will be ONE next month! How did that happen?! My goodness! I have most of his party planned and finally ordered his invitations from Becca at Jumping Jax Designs and I can't wait for them to come in. I love them and she was so much fun to work with!! Pretty much all I have left to do is place an order with the caterer and buy beverages and sides. I'm sure there is plenty more to do but that's all I can think of off the top of my head.
New things he's doing...waving like a crazy person! Although, when strangers talk to him, he never wants to do it..stinker. Today he started WALKING!!! He has been taking a few steps at a time for the last few weeks but today something clicked and he took off. He was up to 20+ steps to day, walking from one room to another. He'll walk, stop but stay standing, then walk some more. I just can't believe how it all changed in a matter of hours!
He has a dr. appt next week so we'll know what he weighs and how tall he is. He wears 6 different sizes right now, lol. He is anywhere from 6 months (certain carter things) to 12-18 mos for Old Navy pants (he needs the length). He is mostly 6-9 months though and wears the 2 piece carter's pj sets in 12 months. He still sleeps through the night although he has decided 6:30 is a fun time to wake up. I can't say I agree! He is doing great though and his little personality gets crazier and crazier. He loves to be silly and play "I'm gonna get you!" and he LOVES when I say "I kick you butt" in a funny voice. He always hip-thrusts when I say it, lol, its hilarious! He is just getting so big and I see my baby boy fading fast to a silly little boy. As heartwrenching as it may be, I love it.

He's up to 7 teeth now. Four on bottom and 3 on top :)
Too much rice!!
Today Connor is officially 11 months old. I say this every month but it is just crazy how fast it goes! He will be ONE next month! How did that happen?! My goodness! I have most of his party planned and finally ordered his invitations from Becca at Jumping Jax Designs and I can't wait for them to come in. I love them and she was so much fun to work with!! Pretty much all I have left to do is place an order with the caterer and buy beverages and sides. I'm sure there is plenty more to do but that's all I can think of off the top of my head.
New things he's doing...waving like a crazy person! Although, when strangers talk to him, he never wants to do it..stinker. Today he started WALKING!!! He has been taking a few steps at a time for the last few weeks but today something clicked and he took off. He was up to 20+ steps to day, walking from one room to another. He'll walk, stop but stay standing, then walk some more. I just can't believe how it all changed in a matter of hours!
He has a dr. appt next week so we'll know what he weighs and how tall he is. He wears 6 different sizes right now, lol. He is anywhere from 6 months (certain carter things) to 12-18 mos for Old Navy pants (he needs the length). He is mostly 6-9 months though and wears the 2 piece carter's pj sets in 12 months. He still sleeps through the night although he has decided 6:30 is a fun time to wake up. I can't say I agree! He is doing great though and his little personality gets crazier and crazier. He loves to be silly and play "I'm gonna get you!" and he LOVES when I say "I kick you butt" in a funny voice. He always hip-thrusts when I say it, lol, its hilarious! He is just getting so big and I see my baby boy fading fast to a silly little boy. As heartwrenching as it may be, I love it.
He's up to 7 teeth now. Four on bottom and 3 on top :)
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