I have been really busy doing photos for people and I have been neglecting my poor blog! Connor is doing great. He is waving and clapping all the time. He still has a major 'tude when he doesn't get his way which is a lot of fun! He is cutting his 7th tooth so I'm hoping that's his issue and once it finally comes through, he can go back to being mommy's happy baby. Sunday will officially be ONE month until he is ONE YEAR OLD!!! I will no longer have a baby, I'll have a toddler :( I love every new stage he reaches and all of the fun things he does but it is just going by way too fast for me. I think maybe it's time for another?! LOL! We'll get through his first birthday first I think, and then we'll worry about a little sister :)
Anyway, here are a few random pictures just because I like to show this little man off! A few from our day at the park and one fresh out of the tub :)

Anyway, here are a few random pictures just because I like to show this little man off! A few from our day at the park and one fresh out of the tub :)
He is so cute!! Yay for first steps. Crazy how fast they grow up :(