Connor has been experiencing lots of change lately! We have officially started the transition from formula to whole milk. Right now he gets 6oz formula mixed with 2oz milk at every bottle (he takes 3 8oz bottles a day). After we finish the formula we have, I will not be buying anymore. I have tried giving him just milk before (an ounce or so) and he doesn't seem to mind it at all. The kid is a tank, lol, he'll eat/drink whatever I give him. Although I guess that's not entirely true. He has been a little pickier lately. Suddenly he doesn't like lunch meat, which he has never refused before. And sometime he will turn away from what is on his highchair tray and only wants what we're eating (some things he just can't eat). Stinker! We're hoping it's just a phase though and he goes back to my super easy eater soon :) Speaking of eating, he is officially done with bottles. I packed the last few away today. Only sippies for this little guy from now on :)

We also turned his carseat around last week. He meets the weight requirement to face forward and I think he likes it a lot better. He can see me now and sits up straighter so he can see what's going on. No more staring out at the seat or out the back window. :)
He has also been swimming twice now. I took pictures of his first time, but not the second. He wasn't too happy the first time but he actually liked it today. The first time he was a little nervous but then warmed up to it. Then Pat was trying to make him laugh by going underwater and it totally freaked him out. We plan on spending plenty of time at the pool this summer though so I'm sure he'll get used to it.

Really struggling with focus here. We were at a hotel and the lighting was horrible. I'm not sure what my problem was though!

We also turned his carseat around last week. He meets the weight requirement to face forward and I think he likes it a lot better. He can see me now and sits up straighter so he can see what's going on. No more staring out at the seat or out the back window. :)
He has also been swimming twice now. I took pictures of his first time, but not the second. He wasn't too happy the first time but he actually liked it today. The first time he was a little nervous but then warmed up to it. Then Pat was trying to make him laugh by going underwater and it totally freaked him out. We plan on spending plenty of time at the pool this summer though so I'm sure he'll get used to it.
Really struggling with focus here. We were at a hotel and the lighting was horrible. I'm not sure what my problem was though!
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