Sunday, December 13, 2009

Meat, yuck!

Connor had his first meat last night, chicken. He was not a fan at all. He growled and gagged through the whole thing. His doctor said if he didn't like the meats by themselves then he could do the chicken noodle dinner, turkey and gravy type stuff. If he doesn't get used to it, I think I'll give him those instead. They all smell like dog food though and totally gross me out. It bums me out to give it to him.
"Please, Mom. No more!"
He is also getting so much better at playing with his toys. He used to just try to stick everything in his mouth and that was "playing." Now he understands how to use things. He hits the keys on his piano, he'll flip pages in a book (cardboard books), he'll grab toys that rattle and shake them up and down so they make noise. It's fun to watch. He finally discovered himself in the mirror of his little piano today and it was hilarious. He talked to/screamed at himself and kept swatting at it. So cute!
He got bored just laying in the tub and I havent gotten him one of those duck tubs yet so we've just been letting him sit up like a big boy. He loves it! I bought a pack of 8 little squirt gun animals and although he likes them, I think Pat and I have more fun with them. Connor just tries to eat them all.
Messy baby with crazy hair!
Now he can feed himself an entire bottle without needing any help. I will put him on the floor wedged in his boppy and hand him a bottle and he'll drink it, and then toss it to the side when he's done. He still has a little trouble when he's sitting upright because the bottles are heavy but he's getting there.


  1. He is so cute! I'm jealous he feeds himself! Ryan will try every once in a while, but gets so side tracked that him feeding himself would be impossible. lol

  2. Thanks :) He just started doing it recently. He gets distracted sometime too. Especially if I sit on the couch behind him. He always tries to turn around and look at me and then ends up on his belly and can't get anything out and gets mad, lol.
