Monday, April 26, 2010

First Steps!!

Connor took his first steps on Saturday!! We were all sitting in the living room and he was standing up at the TV stand and he walked to the edge and then took 4 or 5 steps to the couch!! It was awesome :) Pat and I both started yelling and clapping and he looked so proud of himself. SOO cute! He has done it several times since. Or we'll try and get him to come to us and he tries..he's not always successful but he tries ;) These pictures aren't from his first steps but we got him to do it again last night so I thought I would share. He's still only taking 4 or 5 steps at a time but I think he'll be walking all the time soon. He just tends to get too excited and goes too fast and falls. Falling definitely doesn't stop him though, he's a tough little guy :)




Please excuse the mess behind him. Yesterday was a long day, lol!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Connor has mastered walking with his truck! He loves to walk with it outside. This video is almost 4 minutes long and I'm laughing like a goon and breathing like I smoke a pack a day (I don't smoke at all) for some reason but he looks so damn cute! He looks so tiny and adorable, I could just eat him up! This video was from a week or 2 ago and it was when he first started walking long distances with it without going too fast and falling to his knees.
P.S. I should not be allowed to shoot videos anymore! I apparently have the shakiest hands ever! Ha makes me a little sick watching some of my videos!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Silly Boy

I know it's obvious but the older Connor is getting, the sillier he is getting! He is developing such a little personality and I love it! When he cheeses, he tilts his head or puts it down depending on where he is. He LOVES girls! If a girl starts talking to him in a store he turns into a major cheeseball. It's hilarious! He bounces on things (couch cushions) and think it's hilarious when you laugh at him. He loves the "I'm gonna get you.." game and tries to hurry to get away from you but laughs when you catch him and tickle him. He is just such a funny little boy :)


(He may look cute and sweet but along with his silly personality, he has also developed quite a temper. If he doesn't get what he wants, he throws a fit..crying, dropping to the ground, the works. I definitely don't give in but I can't wait until this phase is over, lol.)

This isn't the best quality picture but I love the face he's making so I'm posting anyway ;)

He has also started trying to walk. He'll take a step or two without holding on to anything but then he falls. I'm sure he'll be walking in no time! He stands up in the middle of the room now too without pulling up to anything. I have tried numerous times to catch it on video but the second he sees the camera, he crawls over to me. Stinker!

A few pictures from the tub just because I love tub pictures :)


I'm not sure what I did to make this picture look like this (I took several and this is the only one that came out this way) but I love it for some reason. The only thing I did as far as editing is up the contrast a bit...otherwise, it's straight out of camera.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Bad Blogger!

I've been a bad blogger lately. I moved our computer into our closet so I can actually use it when Connor sleeps but I havent moved the cord for the internet so I can't post any pictures from that computer (which is where I upload).

Anyway, big news....PAT GOT AN AGENCY WITH STATE FARM!! We will be moving in July and he officially takes over the agency January 1st. we are SO excited. It's an amazing opportunity and he'll get to make his own schedule. No more only getting to see Connor for 15 min a day during the week!! He will have to travel quite a bit in the beginning but he gets a lot of time off if that makes sense. He'll be gone for a week, home for a week (and off) and the gone for 10 weeks. We can't wait to move into a bigger place...I am OVER this 2 bedroom apartment!



As for Connor, poor little guy has cut FOUR teeth in the last 2 weeks (3 in one week). He now has 4 on the bottom and 2 on top. He is also starting to point. He used to just lift up his hand and point his hand toward whatever he wanted, but now he'll look at his fingers and tuck the one so he's pointing with his pointer finger. It's super cute :)

Trying to show off his new teeth ;)

Friday, April 9, 2010

10 Months Old


I can not believe that my baby is going to be 1 in just 2 months!! This year is FLYING by and it really needs to slow down. I've started planning his party though and I'm really excited for it. We're having it at a park and we're having a sport theme. I've already got goody bags with stuffers (just need candy), plates, napkins, and inflatable balls and bats. I have to book the catering company next. Then instead of a cake, we're doing cupcakes (although Connor will have his own little smash cake)...baseballs, basketballs, soccer balls, and footballs! I can't wait!

Back to Connor...he is learning new things everyday and is becoming more and more of a toddler all the time. He started waving yesterday (exactly 10 months!) and I love it! He's super "chatty" these days. He's still just babbling but we get "dadada" "mamama" "bububaba" "nununu" and "pupupu" so far and then of course still the dinosaur screech he does all the time. He's still standing by himself for only a few seconds at a time and usually doesnt even realize he's doing it. He's getting much better at walking with his truck (walking toy) and rarely falls anymore. I swear he could walk without a problem if he tried!

As far as eating goes, he is the best eater I have ever met! I never have a problem with meals (unless i cant cut things up fast enough). He is still only on 2 solids a day for now. His breakfast/brunch is always a finger food with some fruit and then dinner is usually a veggie and a meat..usually both finger foods. So far there is nothing he has refused and we have tried tons of foods with him. He has bites of everything we eat until it's too hard/crunchy for him. Taking him to restaurants is a breeze. He eat quietly and smiles at servers and is just a good baby!

Sleeping is a better. He is back to sleeping through the night most nights. He has been going to bed later though and I think it's because its staying light out so much longer. He's typically in bed between 7:30-8pm and has been waking up between 6:30-7:30. Although I would prefer and 8am wake-up, it's not too bad. ;)





My sister came in town on Saturday and stayed until Wednesday. She has a 3 year old and a 1 year old (and a 12 year old) that Connor had a blast with! We took them to a children's discovery and play center on Monday and it was such a cool place. They have like 10 separate rooms all with themes. There is a block room with construction hats and orange cones and safety goggles..stuff like that, an art room, infant and toddler room that has padded floors with all kinds of baby toys, play village with a little grocery store, pizza parlor, little kitchen to play house, play area with slides and a ball pit...and a few other rooms. It was a really cool place and the kids loved it. Connor was a little limited because he can't walk yet but he still had a ton of fun.


He decided he needed to stand inside this little box in order to play with toys.



Monday, April 5, 2010

No Easter PIctures :(

So Connor's first Easter came and I didn't take any pictures of him opening his first Easter basket. :( I have the camera at my side ALL the time and take pictures of every little moment and yet it never occured to me to take pictures of him getting his basket. Sigh! Next year I guess. He did get a basket though. The Easter Bunny brought him blocks, stacking cups, one of those buckets with shape blocks in it and you put them in the little shape openings (lol, I have no idea what those are called), a remote (he loves the TV remote), and some yogurt melts instead of candy. He really likes the block so far. He loves to stack things up and tear them down so we figured they'd be perfect.

I did get some pictures with the 24-70mm lens I rented though. We went outside so he could walk with his truck without running into the TV but he was more interested in the little rockbed on the side of the apartment. I was surprised that he played for a while before he attempted to put one in his mouth.

I really love this picture but it's just not as crisp as I wish it was. Maybe I just don't know how to use a different lens? I don't know what I did wrong. It's an L lens so I thought photos would come out crisper than my 50mm but they don't seem to. Hmm..

Attempting to eat one and I said "No!" and then this was his reaction...


And one more of him playing with his toys and making silly faces. :)


Hope everyone had a great Easter!!!