Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Jabber, Jabber, Jabber

I always talk about how Connor has his own little language. Here is 3 minutes of his crazy baby babble! I swear I could talk to him all day!

He is starting to say a few more words though. He says ball, cat, and uh oh now. And he will repeat some things we say, he just doesn't say them cosistantly. We talked to his doctor and she said he is fine, no cause for concern. She said it's completely normal for some kids to not talk until between 18 months and 2 years of age. She said as long as he follows simple commands, answers when you call him, and communicates on some level (he does all of the above), she's not worried.

Speaking of his appointment. He weighs 27lbs and is 31 1/2 inches. The nurse said he's 75th percentile for weight and 50th for height. My little chubbo. :)

Anyway, here is the video.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Fall Fun

Connor and I were on a mission to get a few awesome pictures to use for our Christmas card this year. He is nearly impossible to try and photograph on a backdrop so I wanted to do them outside. I'm not sure how much longer this warm weather is going to stick around so I wanted to make sure I got them done. Not to mention the leaves are falling all the time and I didn't want naked trees in the background. ;)

I did manage to get a few that I am in love with though. He is such a handsome little man! Still not talking much. Although he brought his sippy to me earlier and I swear he said "more" and last night he grabbed my little point and shoot camera, held it up to his face, and said "cheese." I think he's getting there, slowly but surely.

My mission for next week is to get rid of the binky! We are going to be at my parents' house from Friday-Sunday so I don't want to try and do it there. But as soon as we're home, that thing is gone...hopefully! ;)

Anyway, here are a few fall/Christmas photos along with a video full of baby giggles.








Monday, October 11, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

I am so bad about updating this poor blog these days. Connor is just a ball of energy and keeps me pretty busy.


So how about a few updates... He's still not talking yet. He says the odd words here and there but nothing consistently other than "hot." He loves to say "hot." I'm not super worried at this point though. He babbles all day long so I know he is building his verbal skills, he just hasn't quite figured out how to form words. He is definitely understanding us these days. I am always amazed when I say something to him, or ask him to do something and then he actually does it. LOL! In my head, he is still 6 months old and has no idea what I'm saying. But if I ask him to throw something away, he does. If I ask him to put his binky in his bed (he only has it for sleeping and car rides), he does. If I ask him if he wants to go bye-bye, he brings me my shoes. It's amazing! He's turning into such a little toddler.


I promise I am going to ditch the binky soon, I don't know why I keep putting it off. I know it will probably be a miserable few days and I just haven't had the energy to do it yet. But I am vowing to have it GONE by 2011!

He loves sports lately. He'll watch football and hockey and laugh hysterically. I'm not sure what he finds so amusing but Pat and I laugh every time he does. We went out to a restaurant to watch the Bears game yesterday and he was laughing and squealing with delight at the game and the waiter came over and said, "Man, I hope my little boy is like that!" Pat has never looked more proud. ;) He played every sport possible growing up so he is over the moon when he sees Connor showing some kind of interest already.

Eating has actually been going a little better lately. Today he actually ate part of my sandwich from Jimmy Johns and it had cold ham, lettuce, and mayo on which are things he has refused lately. Especially mayo, or any type of sauce. He hates sauce! He doesn't like ketchup, mustard, mayo, cheese sauce, ranch...nothing. Anything he puts anything in his mouth that has something on it, he sticks on his tongue and shutters. LOL! He is such a little weirdo. But he did actually enjoy my sandwich today and then he ate really well at dinner. I'm hoping he is turning back into my little piggy. We still need to work on meat though. He doesn't really care for anything other than chicken nuggets and hotdogs. He definitely needs more than that!

We went to the pumpkin patch last weekend but didn't make it out to the pumpkins. I didn't have room in my car for the stroller (we were visiting our parents out of town) and the line was too long to wait in for the hayride. He would have never had the patience. Instead we did the kiddie area with the petting zoo and then walked through the apple orchard. Of course 10 minutes after we got there, he tripped on the gravel driveway and scraped up his poor little face. :( He ended up having a blast though. We plan to go back again next weekend when I can bring the stroller and we can walk back to the pumpkins. We haven't carved any yet and Pat is bugging me for pumpkin seeds.




Anyway, that is a little bit of what we have been up to. Hope everyone enjoyed the rest of their summer. :)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Snip Snip

I got gutsy today and gave Connor a haircut myself! He needs one every few weeks and I'm tired of spending $20 each time. Not to mention, the new town we moved to doesn't have a kid's salon and Connor wasn't too fond of the regular salon we took him to last time. Not much time to chat just wanted to share a few pictures of the little dude. :)




Friday, September 10, 2010

Playing with the puppy

The other night Connor was being silly and playing with Ozzie so I got the camera out. Usually the second the camera comes out, he stops doing whatever he was doing and today was a similar situation. He was "talking" to him and chasing him but the video is still cute.

Ignore the binky. ::Sigh:: I have been saying for the last 3 months that I am taking it away and I still havent. It will be gone before christmas though. For sure! Oh, and ignore the major attitude when I ask for said binky. He is going through a bit of a tantrum stage. If he doesn't want to do something, he lets you know.

Another one of his fun new games...purposely doing things he knows he is not supposed to do. He will go over by the DVDs and look at me while he sticks his hand up there to pull a few down. Then he is furious when I tell him "no" and move him away. He does the same thing with the computer, my cell phone, and the TV remote. I don't know if he is just testing us to see what he can get away with but it is exhausting!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Ready for Fall (lots of pictures)

It was around 70 today and with the wind, a teeny bit chilly when the sun wasn't out. It was a really nice change from all of the HOT weather we have had lately. Connor got to wear his first "fall" outfit. I started shopping for fall clothes a few weeks ago and I was actually excited to put one of his new outfits on him. Is it weird that I am tired of putting all of the same summer outfits on him? LOL! I haven't seen him in jeans since before he was walking and he looks adorable!! Oh my goodness, I just wanted to eat him up! This outfit was from Old Navy. He is wearing 18-24 months in their jeans!! Holy smokes! They are a little long on him because he's a munchkin but they fit him fine in the waist and they don't hang past his feet or anything.



I swear I did nothing to this picture other than my normal tweaks. This really is how amazing the sky looked today!

He is becoming more of a little boy every day. He has these hilarious, weird little things he does that crack me up. He is obsessed with shoes and socks. He is always trying to walk around with mine and Pat's flip flips. Then anytime I do laundry, he brings me Pat's socks and wants to wear them. If I put them on his feet he will wear them all day long! Goofy and I love it. :) He is starting to repeat things I say too. Well, he attempts to. Hotdog always comes out "dot duh" but he is definitely repeating "hotdog." The other day I was putting socks on him (his own) and after I said "socks" he said "suss." He's trying! He still doesn't call me any form of "mommy" though. :( He calls Pat "Daa-ee" but he doesn't call me anything. LOL! All he does is whine when he wants my attention!

Daddy saving him after a boo-boo.

He would much rather push the stroller than ride in it.

This picture isn't perfectly sharp but I don't care! I love it :)

His eating has become more of a challenge. He used to be the best eater I have ever seen but those days are long gone. 9 times out of 10 he refuses to eat anything off of our spoon/fork. Sometimes he won't even eat the finger foods that I know he loves. He just throws a fit instead. This new phase has made dining out quite a challenge. He prefers booster seats these days to highchairs. I have no idea why. Just to be difficult I suppose. ;)


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I'm Back!


Oh my goodness, it has been forever!

We are loving being in the new house. Connor has so much room to play. He runs around all the time, getting into everything. We actually turned the dining room into a playroom (our kitchen is big enough for our table) but he doesn't play in there much. LOL, I think he knows how much effort I put into organizing everything in there so he wants nothing to do with it. Stinker! He is starting to talk though which is super exciting!! He says "whoa" "yeah" (sometimes) "daddy" (which he prounouces "daa-e" "mama" "hot" (he opens his mouth, sticks out his tongue and says "haaa" and then wants you to blow on whatever he is eating), "hotdog" and I swear he said "mine" the other day when I took his binky away. Tantrums are still here and don't appear to be going away anytime soon. If he doesn't get what he wants, he cries, throws himself to the floor, swings his's crazy! He has started slapping when he gets mad and I'm not sure how to get that under control. I always grab his hand and say "no" but so far that has gotten me nowhere. He has also started biting. Not to be mean but he thinks its funny. Honestly, it is, but I know it's bad news!


Anyway, that was a quick update. Connor is up from his nap so I have to run. I promise I will be a better blogger now that things are settling down. Hope everyone has been having an awesome summer. :)


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I'm still alive!

I know I haven't posted in forever!! Sorry to my few followers. ;) We having been in the process of moving and things have been crazy. We spent all last week in the new house with no internet and this week I am staying at my moms. I promise as soon as we get internet set up at the new house next week I will have a catch up blog and fill everyone in on everything.

A few super quick Connor updates...

He says "Yeah" and "Whoa" now. He has been saying "whoa" for awhile but I didn't know if I should count it as a word. Now when you ask him if he wants something, he'll say "yeah" and nod his head. He also has 2 molars which makes 10 teeth. The other 2 molars are there and making him cranky. He is running these days, especially when you let go of his hand outside. He takes off and tries to get away, lol! He loves the new house! He has so much room to run around and play. I'm so happy he finally has the space to run around and be silly. Oh and he puts his hands on his head when he dances now. It is hilarious. I will try and get a picture and post soon.

Anyway, that was a rambling paragraph of Connor updates. Connor/house pictures will be posted next week. :)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

HOT Days!

It has been HOT the last few days! In the mid-90s which is nice, but miserable at the same time. We actually didn't do much this holiday weekend. Pat was out of town all last week for work so we just enjoyed some family time. Saturday we were supposed to go to a BBQ but decided to stay home and swim instead. ;) Then we came back and sat on the porch while Connor played with toys and wondered around shirtless. He has definitely chubbed up!


This one is straight out of camera. I was too lazy to fix the exposure.

Then Sunday we went to Pat's parents' house for a little while and then we went to my mom and dad's house. My sister was in town with her kids and Connor loves to play with them. Well, I guess I should say he loves to play with Lydia. Tommy is kind of a bully! LOL, poor Connor doesn't understand pushing and toy stealing! Towards the end of the night Tommy got up in my dad's chair, so then Connor wanted up. Once Connor was up, Lydia wanted up...typical. They all sat there so content for the longest time though, just rocking. It was absolutely adorable! My sister and I both had to run to grab out cameras. I didn't have my external flash with me and it was late so there was no natural light so I had to resort to my little pop-up flash. Ugh! But the moment was just too cute to pass up ;)


And finally, Connor got a big boy toothbrush!! Ha, I may be behind the ball with this one but we were both excited (Connor and I)! Until now, I have just used one of those rubber baby toothbrushes you put on your finger. He loves this one! He puts it in his mouth and moves it around like he's brushing. So cute!


Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Connor got his first real booboo today :( He was walking into his closet and tripped and smacked his head on the vacuum. I didn't even realize he hit his head until he turned around. His head instantly turned blue and swelled up. The swelling went down but the bruise is still there. I took him in to the doctor (it's literally 5 min away and I didn't want to sit in the ER for 3 hour) right away and they came out to see him (they were "closed" for lunch so I didn't have to wait) and said he was fine. They told me I could put and ice pack on it if he'd let me but of course he didn't. Pretty much what they said was "He's fine, he's a boy, and this will be the first on many booboos!" I'm glad he's ok but I feel awful everytime I see that bruise on my poor baby's face!



He got a new Toy Story chair that he loves! I had another little lawn chair that I had gotten for outside (but have kept inside for some reason) and lately he has tried to climb in it but can't quite figure it out. I'm afraid to break it to Pat but I just don't think the kid is very coordinated. LOL, just kidding ;)

Trying to climb on it.

Not sure what he's doing here but he looks adorable.


Here is the little bucket he randomly found and likes to collect his cars in. I think I mentioned it a few posts ago. He puts all of his little cars in here, then tips the bucket up to his face like he's taking a drink and all of the cars fall on his head/face! Then he gets up and walks around talking with the bucket up to his mouth. He is so silly...and I love it :)

These are from the other night (prior to his head injury). He splashed around in the tub forever and his little feets were got all wrinkled.



And I PROMISE I will post party pictures tomorrow. There are just so many to choose from. I posted them on my facebook, I don't know why I keep stalling when it comes to posting them here.

But I'm off to have a movie night by myself. Pat is out of town tonight for work so I rented Twilight and New Moon. I haven't seen either and I swore I never would (not really sure why) but I'm curious what all the fuss is about. I'll report back whether it was worth the 5 hours I am about to invest!

Thursday, June 24, 2010


I know I still haven't posted birthday party pictures yet. I'm being lazy! I don't know why... But this video should make up for it ;)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Singing "Happy Birthday"

He was so cute! As soon as we started singing to him, he turned around and wanted a kiss. Melted my heart :)

PS. The reason I was messing with Pat is because he had yellow frosting on one of his front teeth ;)

Monday, June 21, 2010


No pictures to share today but WE GOT THE HOUSE!!! They accepted our offer "as is" which is awesome! We didn't have to mess with any counter offers! Our inspection is Thursday and as long as everything goes as planned, we should close towards the end of next month. YAY!!! No more stupid apartment living!

Here is the picture off of the realtor website. I can't figure out how to make it bigger. It is adorable though :) 1550 sq. ft. 2 car garage, 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, cathedral ceilings, dining room and eat in kitchen, deck in the backyard, corner lot....ahh, I could go on forever! It is the perfect starter (lol, 2nd starter) home!!


PS. Connor's birthday party pictures will be posted soon. My sister took them while we were opening presents and stuff (I was too busy all day) and I have to weed out all of the ones where I look like a beast ;)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Birthday Boy! (lots of pictures)

WOW am I late to blog about his birthday! Sorry! Well his birthday was great. While he was sleeping the night before, we filled his room with about 50 balloons. He loved them when he woke up in the morning. They actually started to fall extremely fast which at first really bugged me, but then he was able to play with them all on the floor so it actually worked out.



Later, we went to Red Lobster for lunch. I know it's not kid oriented, but nothing around here really is. He actually loved their chicken tenders though! Then we went on a little shopping spree at Toys R Us to pick out a few birthday presents. I think we're going to make this a tradition. We'll go out for a special lunch (eventually we'll go to kid themed places or he can pick a restaurant) and then we'll go to the toy store where he can pick out a few presents. I only wrapped one when we got home just to see how he would react to opening presents now that he's older. Lol, he still wasn't that into it. He got a few hot wheel cars which he loves. He carried them around all the time and then collects them in a little bucket he found in a closet. He also got a Toy Story power wheel that he absolutely LOVES. He would stay in it al day if we let him. It's a nice one for little kids because it has a long pole that attaches to it from behind so we can push/steer him. He hasn't quite figured out that he needs to push the button for it to move so right now we use the pole.










He also went for his 12 month visit to the doctor this week. He is 22lbs, 6 oz and 29.5 inches long. He's in the 50% percentile for both. He is still in between 6-9 month clothes and 12 months (although he can wear 18 month 2 piece fitted pjs) but we are going to be moving up to the next size for diapers as soon as we finish this box. The little booger butt leaks through his diaper almost every night so we are starting 4s at night and using 3s during the day until they are gone.

In un-Connor related news....WE PUT AN OFFER IN ON A HOUSE!!! We should hear back by tomorrow. It is perfect and the only thing it will possibly need is new carpet. They have a cat who isn't very well trained if you catch my drift. If you get it, we'll try and have someone come out to clean them. If that doesn't work, we'll replace it. I can hardly wait until tomorrow! At least Connor's birthday party (FYI - it's at a park and says its going to be NINETY out tomorrow though so that should help distract me :)

Friday, June 4, 2010

"How big is Connor?"

"Sooo big!!!"

He loves this game :)

