Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Army Crawling

Connor started army crawling on 12/31/09, I am just slow uploading this video. I love that he's moving around but he has also become a little velcro baby, lol. I'll put him on the floor and he almost instantly rolls onto his belly and scoots himself over to me. He tries to pull himself up on my legs but he just hasn't quite figured that out yet.

He is getting smarter every day. He has a busy ball popper that he loves, and he'll actually take the balls and put them in the little tube. They aren't supposed to go in there, they're supposed to pop out of there but still, he sees a round ball, and puts it in a round opening. He also takes those little ring stacking toys and puts the ring on the post. He's putting his arms up when he wants to be held. He splashes like crazy in the tub. When I pucker my lips at him, he grabs my face and pulls it closer to him (with his slobbery mouth hanging open of course). He's just becoming such a little boy. Some of these things he has been doing for a while but it still amazes me :)

1 comment:

  1. oh how cute is he! my daughter is so clingy too. I can't leave the room without her crying. Maybe it's the age? BTW, I think your pics look awesome below!! Super cute family :)
